Traffic Update
Dune Palms 7.12.24 SM Copy CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: Week of July 15 Tues., July 16, through Thurs., July 18 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Travel with caution in the project area while crews are completing utility work near the north end of the bridge. Flaggers will assist motorists and pedestrians through the work zone. REDUCE SPEED…

Current Update
Check out the latest project milestone! PROJECT UPDATE: June 27, 2024 Actualizacion de el proyecto: Junio 27, 2024

Project Milestone
Check out the latest project milestone! PROJECT UPDATE: June 27, 2024 Actualizacion de el proyecto: Junio 27, 2024 PROJECT MILESTONE | HITO DE EL PROYECTO On June 26, 2024, crews placed approximately 820 cubic yards of concrete on the southbound bridge interior stem and soffit. After the concrete cures on the bridge interior, work will continue…

Current Update
Dune Palms Bridge Project Update: PROJECT UPDATE : Crews completed the bridge’s support system in May and will be placing rebar on the bridge interior through June. Check back in July for progress updates. Actualización del proyecto del puente Dune Palms: ACTUALIZACIÓN DEL PROYECTO: Las cuadrillas completaron el sistema de soporte del puente en mayo y colocarán barras de…

Current Update
Current Update | Actualizacion Actual Dune Palms Bridge Project Update: Week of May 20 Photo Crews continue working on the temporary bridge support system. Foto Las cuadrillas continúan trabajando en el sistema de soporte temporal del puente.

Project Progress
Dune Palms Project Timeline The Northbound Bridge is NOW OPEN in BOTH directions. Here are the next steps, with an estimated completion date in Spring 2025. Linea del tiempo de el proyecto Dune Palms El puente en dirección norte está ABIERTO en AMBAS direcciones Estos son los próximos pasos, con fecha estimada de finalización en 2025.

Project Progress
Current Update | Actualizacion Actual Northbound Bridge NOW OPEN in both directions. SWIPE to watch an aerial view of the newly opened bridge to motorists in both directions between Highway 111 and Blackhawk Way/Westward Ho. Sidewalk is open to pedestrians. Please reduce speed while traveling through the area. Puente en dirección norte YA ABIERTO…

Current Update
Current Update The Northbound Dune Palms Bridge is opening soon to through traffic in both directions. Stay posted for exact dates coming soon.

Current Update
Dune Palms Bridge Improvement Project Update: Week of February 26 Crews continue to make progress on bridge construction.