The Dune Palms Road Bridge Improvement Project
will construct an all-weather access bridge across the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel in La Quinta (see map for project area). The new, 480-foot-long bridge will address flooding and excess debris on the existing roadway during storms.

Dune Palms SM - *3.21.24 Bridge Open ENGx1

Project Milestone

Check out the latest project milestone!

PROJECT UPDATE: June 27, 2024

Actualizacion de el proyecto: Junio 27, 2024


On June 26, 2024, crews placed approximately 820 cubic yards of concrete on the southbound bridge interior stem and soffit. After the concrete cures on the bridge interior, work will continue on the southbound bridge in preparation for the upcoming deck concrete placement.

 El 26 de junio de 2024, las cuadrillas colocaron aproximadamente 820 yardas cúbicas de concreto en el vástago interior y el plafón del puente en dirección sur. Después de que el concreto se curé en el interior del puente, el trabajo continuará en el puente en dirección sur en preparación para la próxima colocación del concreto en la plataforma.

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Dune Palms Project Timeline  

The Northbound Bridge is NOW OPEN in BOTH directions. 

Here are the next steps, with an estimated completion date in Spring 2025. 

Linea del tiempo de el proyecto Dune Palms 

El puente en dirección norte está ABIERTO en AMBAS direcciones 

Estos son los próximos pasos, con fecha estimada de finalización en 2025. 



The newly constructed 480-foot-long bridge will be approximately 86 feet wide and feature:

  • 4 vehicle travel lanes, 2 in each direction
  • 2, 8-foot-wide bike/cart paths, 1 in each direction
  • 2, 6-foot-wide sidewalks, 1 in each direction
  • A 9-foot, 8-inch raised center median

The project also will complete bridge approach roadway improvements (including drainage) to accommodate the raised profile for the bridge, and it will tie into the CV LINK multi-use trail under the bridge and at two secondary connecter trails from Dune Palms Road.

pull out bridge